Sunday, February 25, 2001

The breastmilk is working and the pediatrician's office can't believe it!

2-25-01: Jessica had her third weight check with the doctor and was 8 pounds, 1 ounce and gained all the weight with breastmilk. The nurse reconfirmed that she was not given formula supplements to increase her weight so substantially and said that her weight gain was "impressive." Tuesday after breastfeeding club, Jessica, Mommy and Grandma had their first lunch out at the Steelhead Brewing Company. Jessica slept through the entire meal. Mommy and Jessica worked on getting back to breastfeeding and slowly added time on the breast each day, starting with once on each side each day. Wednesday, Mommy had the most comfortable breastfeeding session ever and was very excited that she and Jessica had turned a corner. Grandma and Mommy went to the lactation consultant on Thursday for an assessment of the breastfeeding technique and then met Daddy and Uncle Matt Albright for a tour of E.Piphany and lunch at an Indian restaurant called Bombay Garden. By Saturday, Mommy had nipple pain again and realized that the whole time, she and Jessica had thrush! We did some serious internet research on what to do for thrush and started attacking it full force on Saturday. Jessica started showering with Mommy instead of taking baths because it is so much easier.

Sunday, February 18, 2001

The kid is losing weight DRAMA!

2-18-01: Jessica weighed in at her second appointment with the pediatrician at 7 pounds, 4 ounces. The doctors were concerned that Jessica wasn't gaining weight quickly enough. Dr. Jessica tried to convince Mommy and Daddy to supplement her feedings with soy formula. We attended our first breastfeeding support group meeting and the lactation consultant taught Mommy to use the breast pump to avoid supplementing with formula. We tracked her daily intake of breastmilk. She was averaging about 24 ounces every 24 hours for the remainder of the week. The amount is the daily intake of a 9 pound baby. Mommy gave her nipples a break and a chance to heal and Jessica had no problems getting the hang of drinking from a bottle. Sue Marston helped us out by spending the night a couple of nights and Chuck made us a meal (yum!) Daddy went back to work at the end of this week

Wednesday, February 7, 2001

Introducing...Jessica Baggott

2-7-01: Born February 7, 2001 at 1:40 am, weighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces. Jessica was discharged from the hospital weighing 6 pounds, 13 ounces. She came home to Duncan on Friday, February 9, and settled in quite nicely. She learned to breastfeed and had many visitors. Jessica weighed in at her first doctor appointment at 7 pounds 1 ounce. She and Mom were still trying to get breastfeeding down. Jessica's belly button stump has fallen off by the first appointment, but the doctor prescribes some topical ointment for the area which looks a little red to be applied for a couple of days. At the end of the first week Nana and Pop-Pop Monoson returned to Little Rock, while Grandma Baggott stayed behind to help Jessica, Mom, and Dad get through the next five weeks. Jessica treated Aunt Tracy to a birthday lunch on Valentine's Day and then Aunt Tracy and Uncle Nick got engaged at dinner that night. Jessica celebrated her first Valentines Day with Mom and Dad. Mom, Dad, and baby attended a private lactation consultation to try to get the breastfeeding technique perfected.

Tuesday, February 6, 2001

SOB! The room isn't ready....because the pictures aren't hung!

2-6-01: Amy cries when she is going to sleep because the room isn't "ready" George assures her it is fine for the new baby and all the small tasks can be taken care of after the baby arrives. Amy has a strong contraction that wakes her up at 3:00 am and then the contractions come every 7 minutes. Not much more sleep is had for the rest of the night. Amy and George head to Dr. Hamilton's office at 2:00 pm.

Monday, February 5, 2001

Here come the real contractions! I am in LABOR!

2-5-01: Amy has lunch at Houston's and then goes shopping with Ed de Maar. While in the Discovery Store, someone tries to shoplift and a loud buzzer goes off in the store and I have a very strong contraction. The contractions continue for the remainder of the afternoon and into the evening. I receive a call from Lisa Sullivan who I tell about these minor contractions and she asks if I have been timing them. I hadn't been, but once I do keep track I realize that they are fairly regular and I think I am in early labor. I call Dr. Hamilton about 10:00 pm and reach his service. The service patches me directly through to him and he tells me to have half a glass of wine and two glasses of water and sleep through the night. I call Mom and Dad Monoson in LR to tell them to get to SF the next morning (they were planning on flying out on Wednesday, 2-7-01 tthe due date) and calls Mom Baggott at Kate's to tell her the news. Judd and Tracy are also alerted.

Sunday, February 4, 2001

Happy Birthday Nick and Lucy!

2-4-01: Birthday party for Nick Baggott and Lucy Albright at Golden Gate Park. Amy is very tired and sits on a blanket for most of the day. She gets up to get food and to play frisbee with Nick once.

Friday, February 2, 2001

Acronym tests

2-2-01: AFI and NST test at Mills-Peninsula Hospital