Sunday, July 29, 2001


7-29-01: Tuesday, Ed de Maar came up for the afternoon and dinner and Chuck Gutro stopped by to see Jessica after his 10 day vacation back in Boston. Wednesday, Jessica and Mommy took Lucy down to San Mateo for lunch and to see Daddy and Uncle Matt, Lucy's Daddy, so that Aunt Kate could have some time to herself. Thursday was the big meeting in front of the City Planning Department and Jessica not only behaved herself, but also fell asleep. Thursday evening, Jessica, Uncle Dan, Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Nick, and Aunt Tracy went to dinner at Houston's to celebrate their win at City Hall. Saturday night, Jessica and Daddy went to Aunt Tracy and Uncle Nick's house for a BBQ. New tricks this week included sitting in her highchair while Mommy and Daddy sat at the the dinner table, pulling herself up onto her knees while holding onto the side of her crib, and really enjoying her walks with Daddy outside.

Sunday, July 22, 2001

Bitsy and Chris are engaged!

7-22-01: Sunday, Jessica met Bitsy, Chris Rucker's fiancee, for brunch at Greens with Aunt Tracy, Uncle Nick, Uncle Dan, Mommy and Daddy to celebrate Bitsy and Chris' engagement. Monday, Jessica was invited to Aunt Tracy and Uncle Nick's for dinner. Tuesday was spent with Ed de Maar at Duncan and Mommy made her first roast chicken dinner. Wednesday, Jessica met Aunt Kate and Lucy for lunch at Einstein's Cafe and then played at Kate and Lucy's house for a while after lunch. Jessica kept reaching for Lucy wanting to run around with her. Thursday, Jessica invited the new neighbors over to dinner along with the neighbor across the street to talk about the upcoming date before the City Planning Commission the following week. That same day, Jessica fell out of Mommy's bed after a nap. Jessica was fine, but Mommy was quite shaken. Friday, Jessica, Mommy and Daddy went down to Cupertino for dinner with friends Vivek and Farzaneh Rau. Saturday, Aunt Tracy, Uncle Nick and Uncle Dan had dinner at Duncan with Jessica before Aunt Tracy and Uncle Nick went to Yosemite on vacation. Jessica also had her first cold by Saturday, which started with some hoarseness on Wednesday and Thursday and developed into a tiny cough and runny nose on Friday. Didn't bother her much though. New tricks this week included "scootching" on the floor at Aunt Kate's house, imitating part of Daddy's monkey call, and standing holding onto things.

Sunday, July 15, 2001

Happy Birthday Madeline!

7-15-01: Sunday, Jessica spent the day with Madeline Hoft Rafa for her one year birthday party. She stayed after all of Madeline's guests left and had Indian food with Sue Marston, Mike and Kristen, Mommy and Daddy. Monday night, Jessica joined friends at Cafe Ethiopia for Lisa Ohashi's birthday party. Tuesday, Jessica had an appointment with the pediatrician and weighed in at 16 pounds, 5 ounces (75th %.) She was 26 inches tall (80th %) and her head circumference was 21 and 3/4 inches (50th %.) Tuesday evening, Duncan house hosted Jim Lui's birthday party with Indian food and a homemade cake by Sue Marston. Jerry ate half of each layer of the cake off of the kitchen counter. Thursday, Mommy, Kristen and Madeline Hoft Rafa, and Jessica went to Sue Marston's house in the East Bay for an afternoon of shopping and fun. Jessica kept reaching out for Madeline as she toddled by her. Jessica so wanted to be mobile and run around with Madeline. Friday, Mommy, Jessica, Kristen and Madeline Hoft Rafa went estate sale shopping and hung out for most of the day. Saturday, Jessica, Daddy and Mommy went to Sally Peterson's for dinner. Jessica met Nick Falzone and exhibited stranger anxiety for the first time. Jessica ended up going over to Aunt Tracy and Uncle Nick's house with Mommy and Daddy to watch "Casablanca", but fell asleep immediately when the movie started. New tricks this week included crying when taking a toy away (or what she believes is a toy - hair, keys, remote control, phone, etc.,) squirming and climbing all over Daddy when in his arms, and object permanence (hiding an object from her view does not make her forget about it.)

Sunday, July 8, 2001

La Leche League

7-8-01: Jessica had a fussy week - difficulty sleeping through the night, nursing 4 times a night (usually only nurses once at around 4:30 am.) Every morning we looked for a tooth thinking that this fussiness was from teething, but no teeth yet. She also started croaking with her voice this week. Sunday, Jessica went to Aunt Tracy and Uncle Nick's house for breakfast and a long nap. Tuesday, she went to a La Leche League meeting with Aunt Kate and Lucy. Jessica, Lucy, Mommy and Aunt Kate went to Lovejoy's Tea House for a little tea party over lunch after the meeting. Tuesday evening, Ed de Maar came over and made dinner for Mommy and Daddy. Wednesday, Sue Marston came over and ran some errands with Jessica and Mommy and hung out before she left to see a concert. Thursday, Madeline and Kristen Hoft Rafa came over for an afternoon visit Jessica and then joined Mommy, Jessica, Aunt Kate and Lucy at another La Leche League meeting. Friday, Jessica and Mommy went to the East Bay to Sue Marston's house to shop and hang out. Chris Rucker came over to play too. Saturday ended with a Bastille Day celebration at Ed de Maar's house down in Redwood City.

Sunday, July 1, 2001


7-1-01: Tuesday, Jessica invited Ed de Maar and his dad over for Oprah and dinner. Wednesday, Fourth of July, began with a hike with Aunt Tracy and Uncle Nick and breakfast at Tigers in Glen Park. Jessica then invited people over to Duncan to watch fireworks, but it was again foggy in the city for the fireworks display. Jessica started squeaking this week when frustrated. She also cries when you take what she considers a "toy" away from her. Mostly that means Mommy's hair, plastic bags, and paper. Jessica typed at the computer with George on Friday morning for the first time. Click here to see what she typed. Saturday, Daddy, Mommy and Jessica went to the Marston's house for a BBQ to see Craig Kim, George's friend from college.