Sunday, September 30, 2001

Playing and more playing

9-30-01:Sunday, Jessica, Mommy and Daddy went to the East Bay to hang with the Marstons. Monday, Jessica, Mommy, Daddy and Uncle Matt A. all went for sushi lunch in San Mateo. Tuesday, Ed de Maar came up to the city and went to Marina Pet Hospital with Jessica and Mommy. He stayed for dinner and Chuck Gutro, Aunt Erin, Uncle Matt B., and Uncle Dan joined us at Duncan to all watch the season premiere of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Wednesday and Thursday, Jessica, Chuck Gutro and Mommy ran errands together in the afternoon. Friday, Jessica, Mommy, Sue Marston, Chris Rucker, and Farhat Quli went to dim sum for lunch. Saturday, Jessica, Mommy and Daddy went over to Aunt Kate and Uncle Matt A.'s house to babysit Lucy for an hour or so. We all went to the park and Lucy played on the swings the entire time with Aunt Amy holding her hand, while Jessica and Daddy played on the slide and the playground equipment. It was Jessica's first time down the slide and slid down to Mommy all by herself! That evening, Mommy and Daddy had another date. Chuck Gutro babysat for Jessica, but she was asleep by the time he arrived and she didn't wake up until the next morning, so she never really knew that she was babysat. New tricks this week included standing up at the refrigerator to pull down magnets and moving from the refrigerator to the garbage can. In fact, Jessica was pulling on the garbage bag edge that was pulled over the side of the garbage can, when the garbage can fell over. As it fell over, it pulled Jessica on to the side of the can that was facing up on her stomach. A very funny sight. Jessica can take some steps around a piece of furniture while holding onto it and can also open the door to the television cabinet. She can sing along with the rhythm for the "wheels on the bus" song with Daddy. She crawls over to the guitar and bass in the living room daily to play with them.

Sunday, September 23, 2001

Bye Tracy and Nick :(

9-23-01: Sunday, Aunt Tracy, Uncle Nick, Uncle Judd, Uncle Dan, Mommy and Daddy and Jessica all went to Tyger's for breakfast. Jessica, Mommy and Daddy dropped Uncle Judd off at the airport and picked up a pizza from Zachary's for dinner and Aunt Tracy, Uncle Nick, Bree, Uncle Dan, Mommy and Daddy all had pizza for dinner at Duncan. Monday, Uncle Dan stayed home from work and Mommy, Jessica and Uncle Dan went to the mall together. Uncle Dan played with Jessica a great deal that day and Jessica loved it! Tuesday, Ed de Maar came up for the afternoon and dinner. Wednesday morning, Jessica and Mommy met Uncle Nick and Aunt Tracy at Savor for breakfast. Wednesday lunch Jessica and Mommy went to Cafe Ethiopia with Chuck Gutro. Jessica played with the owner while Chuck and Mommy ate, which is one of Jessica's favorite things about going to Ethiopian! Wednesday night, Jessica had Aunt Tracy and Uncle Nick over for home-made pizza dinner. Thursday night Jessica and Mommy went to Luke White's house for a visit. Friday, Jessica and Mommy went downtown via BART with Aunt Tracy and then had a family dinner for Uncle Nick and Aunt Tracy at Duncan with all the west coast Baggotts to say their final good-byes. Saturday, Aunt Tracy and Uncle Nick left for Arizona and in the morning Jessica, Mommy and Daddy went over to their house to help them do last minute things before they left. Saturday afternoon, Jessica had her first trip to the Zoo with Aunt Kate, Uncle Matt, Lucy, and Daddy. New tricks this week included successful crawling movement across the floor and standing up at the dishwasher when it is open (trying to grab plates and utensils.) Jessica is also on a sleeping schedule which has her sleeping from 7:00 pm to 6:00 am without needing Mommy during the night! She takes two naps now, one in the morning and one in the early afternoon.

Sunday, September 16, 2001

Uncle Judd visits

9-16-01: Monday, Mommy and Jessica drove down and met Daddy for lunch! It was a great time because we walked to lunch and Jessica saw her first train (the CalTrain.) Monday night was Rosh Hashonnah and Mommy, Daddy and Jessica went to Richard and Ami Gerstein's house in Belvedere for dinner. Jessica had a great time playing with the kids that were there and the neat toys that the Gerstein boys had. Tuesday, Ed de Maar came up to the city for the afternoon and for dinner. Wednesday night Jessica, Mommy and Daddy helped Aunt Tracy and Uncle Nick pack up their kitchen. Friday, Uncle Judd arrived for a weekend visit to say good-bye to Nick and Tracy before their move to Scottsdale. Jessica and Mommy started the day in the morning by taking Kristen and Madeline Hoft Rafa for a shopping trip in the East Bay with Sue Marston. Everyone went to pick up Uncle Judd in Oakland and we all went to Zachary's pizza for lunch, where Jessica sat in her highchair and still managed to snag Uncle Judd's plate from him and pull it into her lap when we weren't looking. Aunt Tracy and Uncle Nick joined Daddy, Jessica, Uncle Judd and Daddy at Duncan for dinner. Saturday, Duncan had a going away party for Uncle Nick, Aunt Tracy and Bree. Jessica had a great time with the other kids at the party and went to sleep as the party raged on! New tricks this week included Jessica waving "hi" to everyone on the street and clapping hands and saying "Yeah!" after crawling across the floor.

Sunday, September 9, 2001

Having one kid hardly impacts your lifestyle...

9-9-01: Sunday, Jessica threw a party for her neighbors and was very social throughout the party. After the party, during Jessica's afternoon nap, she somehow managed to fall out of the full sized bed with the guardrail attached. She slept in her crib for every nap and all night from that point onward. She made a seamless transition. Monday, Jessica and Mommy picked up Chuck Gutro from work for a lunch date at Cafe Ethiopia - which was as wonderful as always. Jessica had a chance to spend some time with the owner, Tsegie too. Tuesday, Jessica, Mommy, Uncle Dan, Aunt Kate, Uncle Matt A. and Lucy all huddled at Duncan due to the national tragedy at the Pentagon and the World Trade Center Towers. Jessica crawled across the kitchen floor with Aunt Kate and Daddy watching. Wednesday was also very quiet due to the breaking news. Around 3:30 pm, Jessica went up to her crib for her afternoon nap. She cried for 10 minutes at which time Mommy went upstairs and gave her nummies for 10 more minutes. Mommy put her back down in her crib at 3:50 pm. Mommy could hear her crying on and off for about 20 minutes and when she went back upstairs to get her again, Jessica was standing in her crib, next to the baby monitor, fake crying into it. When Mommy walked into the room and saw the situation, she burst out laughing and Jessica laughed too. It was so funny that we both kept laughing down the stairs back into the living room. Jessica is so clever! Thursday, Jessica invited Aunt Tracy and Uncle Nick over for dinner. Aunt Tracy brought a friend from work, Kristina and we all had a wonderful meal made entirely from Food and Wine magazine. Jessica and Kristina became friends quickly. Friday night, Aunt Tracy came over to Duncan at 7:00 pm for the national candlelighting/solidarity effort. Jessica hung out on the front porch with Becky and Jeanette (neighbors) until Chris Rucker showed up to join the solidarity circle. Mommy made dinner for Aunt Tracy, Chris, Uncle Nick, Uncle Dan and Daddy. Saturday was a quiet day again because Daddy and Uncle Dan had to work all day, so Jessica played with Mommy most of the day and then turned in early for the night. The best new trick this week was being able to move from sitting position and lying on her stomach and back to a sitting position. Jessica can also move from sitting position to crawling position quite easily. Jessica can get to things that she wants across the floor, but it takes a couple of crawling steps plus some stomach work still. Jessica also got a fake cell phone that looks just like Mommy's phone this week at the grocery store. It has a recorded message that plays when you push the buttons and also the keypad makes noises when depressed which she loves. Jessica now laughs out loud if you say "Hi!" and wave back when she waves at you.

Sunday, September 2, 2001

Still visiting...

9-2-01: Sunday, Jessica and Mommy met up with Suzy Hwang's Dad for lunch at Avanti's and then went to dinner at Herb and Carolyn Weinstein's house with Nana and Pop Pop Monoson and the Walvoords. Lisa and Ron Hirshhorn were there with their daughter Deborah. Jessica met Judy Peelle Tilley, the Ulmans, and Leslie Weinstein as well. The entire gang went to Lakeview Museum for an outdoor concert and Jessica met back up with Suzy, Gail and Gabrielle. Monday, Jessica, Mommy, Gail, Gabrielle and Suzy went to lunch down on the riverfront before Suzy left to head back up to Schaumburg. Gail and Gabrielle made Jessica and Mommy a special dinner at their house. Tuesday, Jessica and Mommy flew back to California and Jessica was awake for the entire trip from Chicago to San Francisco on a very full flight. She got to walk around with a couple of flight attendants and also had her diaper changed on the floor of the airplane in the back and met many passengers. All of our neighbors on the flight said how well behaved she was! Jessica and Mommy dropped Daddy back at work after he picked us up at the airport and went home and both slept from 5:30 pm until 6:30 am the next morning. Jessica woke up 3 times during the night for a quick nummies session and then right back to sleep for both Mommy and Jessica. Wednesday morning, Mommy and Jessica woke Daddy up at 6:30 am and we all took a walk down to Tigers for breakfast. Wednesday afternoon, Jessica and Mommy went to pick up Aunt Tracy and Uncle Nick from the airport and then they came over to Duncan for dinner. Thursday night, Mommy, Daddy and Uncle Dan all went to see the band Cake at the Warfield while Jessica got to spend the evening with Uncle Matt B. and Aunt Erin babysitting. Mommy left 5 ounces of milk for Jessica in a bottle and Jessica drank most of it before going to bed. Aunt Erin took Jessica outside when she got a little fussy and all was better again. They had a very good time and Jessica went to sleep in Aunt Erin's arms at around 9:30 pm and slept in her crib until about 11:30 pm. Jessica slept in the full sized bed in her room with a bed rail attached this week. She was getting nummies during the night until Friday night when she woke one time and went back to sleep without nursing. Friday during the day, Mommy and Jessica hung out with Sue Marston in Lafayette and had a great time just relaxing. Saturday night, Jessica, Mommy and Daddy all went to the Treynor's house in Redwood City for dinner and to hang out before Liz and Ben had their second baby (due in a week.) Jessica played with Nicholas Treynor and had a great time.