Sunday, December 30, 2001

New Format for our blog


Weekly Anecdote

  • Jessica learned how to pull all of the diaper wipes out of the container, but doesn't like the feel of the wet wipes, so she waves her hands in the air and screams in delight after touching each one

New Things

  • Jessica saw fireworks on New Year's Eve (and not too happy about being awoken at midnight)
  • Jessica likes jarred food now and eats about 2 jars over the course of the day
  • Jessica walked across the living room floor with the assistance of her new Radio Flyer walker wagon
  • Jessica tries Cheerios for the first time and LOVES them immediately
  • Jessica is eating three meals a day in her highchair
  • Jessica started climbing from the chair in the living room onto the side table
  • Jessica meets cousin Allison Behrstock for the first time
  • Jessica can say "doggie" and "Jerry"

Sunday, December 23, 2001

Visiting The Gersteins

12-23-01: Sunday, Jessica had lunch with Richard, Helene and Bob Gerstein. Aunt Tracy and Uncle Nick arrived in town for the Baggott Christmas in the afternoon. Monday, the Baggott Christmas took place and Jessica had a great time playing with new toys. She even took a nap at the Albrights house and was home in time for her regular bedtime. Tuesday, Jessica went over to Chuck Gutro's house for his Christmas day dinner celebration. It was a bit late for her, but she had a nice time while she was there. Wednesday, Aunt Tracy left San Francisco for Peoria and Mommy, Daddy and Jessica went to the DMV together in the afternoon. Friday, Jessica's first tooth broke through her gum and she had a great time feeling it with her tongue and finger for most of the day. She was finally in a good mood again! She also had a chance to play with Sue and Mike Marston and Pat and Bob Hemphill before going to bed. Saturday, Jessica, Mommy and Daddy helped Chris Rucker move to his new apartment.

Sunday, December 16, 2001

Holiday time

12-16-01: Sunday, Jessica feeds an apple to Mommy and pretends to feed Daddy an apple. She also gets a special ride in Uncle Dan's laundry basket and loves it! Tuesday, Jessica dances at her toy when the music plays. Wednesday, Jessica got to go to the park with Lucy and play on the playground equipment. Thursday night Jessica, Mommy and Daddy went to a holiday Open House at a neighbor's house. She loved their dog, but only stayed for about 30 minutes because it was so far past her bedtime. She did wear her holiday outfit and looked so cute. Friday, Jessica had Lucy over to Duncan to make cookies and play games for the afternoon. She also had a chance to play with Char Levitt and Nadine Grenier on Friday night before going to bed and they had a blast together. Jessica likes to pull off her diaper and has turned against taking baths. She refuses to take one any more starting this week. She loves to feed Jerry carrots. She sucks in the carrots and then spits the carrots out of her mouth - very funny stuff. Jessica starting eating lentils with brown rice this week and loved the combination - best food situation yet. Jessica is still cutting her tooth - nothing fully through yet. Jessica likes to play on her new bedspread (chenille) with Daddy before going to bed.

Sunday, December 9, 2001

Baby Ada

12-9-01:Sunday, Jessica goes over to the Albrights to see baby Ada. She kind of jumps on the baby and scares Mommy and Aunt Kate. Monday, Jessica goes to the Albrights to see Grandma, Kate, Ada and Lucy and to bring over some groceries. Tuesday, Jessica goes to library time and also has Madeline Rafa over for a couple hours to play at Duncan. Ed de Maar is also over for a bit on Tuesday. Wednesday night Jessica went over to the Albrights to say good-bye to Grandma who flew back to PA the next day. Jessica started eating carrots this week and loves cold baby carrots to gum on because Jessica she is cutting her first tooth and is very uncomfortable. Friday was the worst day for Mommy and Jessica since she was learning to breast feed because of her teething discomfort and also having contracted a cold. Jessica discovers the cabinets in Mommy's bathroom this week and moves between the two and opens each one over and over again daily.

Sunday, December 2, 2001

Jess can stand

12-2-01: Sunday, Jessica stood on her own to impress Aunt Tracy, Uncle Dan, Uncle Nick and Daddy. Sunday evening there is another Western Baggott family dinner at Duncan. Monday, Jessica and Mommy ran some errands with Aunt Tracy and had a pizza dinner at Duncan house. Tuesday, Jessica, Mommy and Aunt Tracy went to Aunt Kate's to play with Lucy and Grandma. Uncle Nick says that Jessica points to pictures of Mommy on the refrigerator and says "Mama" in the morning before Mommy comes downstairs. Wednesday, Jessica and Mommy had lunch at Houston's with Aunt Tracy. Friday, Jessica, Mommy and Daddy went to Dr. McCallum's office for Shrimp2's nucal translucency ultrasound test. The new baby passed the test. Jessica, Mommy and Daddy went out for burgers after the appointment. Friday early evening, Jessica went for a ride around the neighborhood in the new backpack that Aunt Kate lent us. Uncle Nick carried Jessica and she loved it. Friday night, all Western Baggotts (minus Aunt Tracy who had to leave San Francisco on Thursday afternoon) went to dinner at the Albright's house. Mommy calls Daddy at work to roust him to come home and Jessica says "Hi Dada" into the phone in front of everyone. Daddy is very impressed. Jessica got to stay up until 9:00 pm! Saturday morning, Jessica got another ride in the backpack and this time had Daddy carry her. She really liked it again. Saturday evening, Ada Mae Albright was born. All the Western Baggotts rush over to meet the new baby around 6:30 pm and Jessica hardly pays attention to Ada. Again, Jessica is much more interested in playing with Lucy and gets to stay up until 9:00 pm. This week, Jessica spends a good part of her days climbing the stairs. This week, Jessica started eating garbanzo beans - not a big fan!