Sunday, April 29, 2001

Old friends

4-29-01: Jessica slept four nights over six hours in a row (and slept 9 hours on Thursday night,) but by Friday night, that trend had passed. Jessica went to a baby shower on Sunday and had a great time. Many ex-Versant people were there that Mommy and Daddy hadn't seen in a long time, so it was fun for them to meet Jessica. Wednesday night was an ex-EnterpriseLink dinner reunion and Mommy's old friends met Jessica. Thursday was lunch with Gentry Stanley and Chuck at the ramp and then Jessica and Mommy went to the airport to pick up Ed de Maar from his European vacation. Friday, Jessica spent the day with Sue Marston and then helped Dan Hanttula move. Saturday was the big Cinco de Mayo party at the Marstons where Jessica saw Madeline Hoft Rafa and had a great time being very social.

Sunday, April 22, 2001

Moo, Baa, La La La

4-22-01: Jessica learned some new tricks this week. She drooled like crazy. She was vocalizing quite a bit and seemed to even try singing on Friday. She was grabbing for things this week, but not quite getting them. Her favorite book was Moo, Baa, La La La by Sandra Boynton (same author as Oh My, Oh My, Oh Dinosaur.) Jessica also sat up for a quick second until she realized that she wasn't being held and fell over. She went on a hike for Earth Day on Sunday with Aunt Tracy, Uncle Nick, Aunt Kate, Uncle Matt, cousin Lucy, Mommy and Daddy. She went out for Mexican after the hike. Monday, Jessica ran errands with Luke White and had sushi for lunch. Tuesday was breastfeeding club and some errands. Jessica hung out at home for the remainder of the week because Mommy wasn't feeling 100%. Saturday, Sue Marston, Chuck Gutro, Doug Gallaher, Chris Rucker, Bree Desmond and Farhat Quli came over to play at different times during the day. Some stayed for chile rellenos dinner. Jessica tried to see Aunt Erin's dance performance on Saturday night, but Mommy bought tickets for Friday night and even though the performance wasn't sold out when we three arrived, they wouldn't let us in to see the show! We went home and watched something on pay per view instead.

Sunday, April 15, 2001

Happy Birthday Uncle Dan!

4-15-01: Jessica saw the doctor for her two month check up this week and weighed in at 12 pounds, 8 ounces. She was 23.5 inches and was in the 75% for weight, height and head circumference for her age group. The nurse said that her eyes are brown and she giggled at the nurse while being weighed. Dr. Schwanke said that she was ahead of her peers in getting her hands into her mouth and was "highly orally motivated!" He also said that she was one of the plumpest babies he had seen that day. She seemed to have red hair coming in at the roots of the darker hair. Daddy saw her sucking her thumb this week and she liked having books read to her daily. Her favorite was Oh my, Oh my, Oh Dinosaur. She laughed at the pictures. Jessica faced forward this week in her babybjorn carrier during the morning walks. Jessica also liked laying on her back on blankets on the floor. Jessica had many social events this week: She started the week out with Uncle Dan's birthday celebration/Easter at Aunt Kate and Uncle Matt's house with the entire Baggott family. She went to lunch with some of Mommy's old AMS buddies, she had lunch with Farhat and Lisa at Mom is Cooking, she had lunch with Daddy and Aunt Tracy on house refinancing day (and slept through the entire meal!), and went estate sale shopping with Aunt Kate and cousin Lucy, not to mention lunch with Uncle Matt. She rounded out the week with dinner in Tiburon with Mommy's second cousin Richard Gerstein and Aunt Helene/Uncle Bob Gerstein. She "initiated" Aunt Helene from both ends at dinner!

Sunday, April 8, 2001

Gail and Gabrielle visit California

4-08-01: A very social week was had this week by young Jessica. Gail and Gabrielle Healy and Susan Hwang were in town for a vacation and to meet Jessica. Jessica visited Chinatown, Lombard Street, Ghiradelli Square, Twin Peaks, Picchetti Winery and Watsonville while showing everyone around. Mommy had many yummy meals during their vacation and Jessica wanted and had nummies at every meal out! Jessica stayed home with Daddy alone for the first time on Tuesday night while Mommy went out to dinner with her friends. Jessica had her first bottle in a couple of weeks that night and at first she refused to take the bottle from Daddy. She then got hungry enough to drink from the bottle. When Mommy came home, Daddy suggested that she give Jessica the rest of the bottle to not waste the milk, but Jessica wouldn't drink from a bottle when Mommy held her and wouldn't drink from the bottle if Daddy gave it to her while Mommy held her. Thursday, Luke White took Mommy and Jessica to the Cliff House for lunch. This was Lukie's first time meeting Jessica. Jessica had a sushi treat with Farhat on Friday. Friday night Dan Hanttula met Jessica over dinner at Duncan. Sue and Mike Marston had Mommy, Daddy and Jessica over for Easter dinner in Lafayette on Saturday.

Sunday, April 1, 2001

Castle Rock

4-01-01: Jessica went on her second hike to Castle Rock in the Santa Cruz mountains with Aunt Tracy, Uncle Nick, Aunt Kate, Uncle Matt, cousin Lucy and friend Ann Brady. She wanted to stop mid-hike to have nummies! Daddy took Jessica up to the top of some cool rocks for nummies. Jessica went to Dairy Queen for the first time after the hike. Jessica took her first shower with Daddy and loved it! Jessica and Mommy had lunch with Chuck Gutro, Lisa Ohashi and Doug Gallaher in trendy South of Market. Jessica and Mommy visited Sue Marston at her home in Lafayette and stayed for dinner.