Sunday, October 7, 2007

Roxie's Spell

A couple of days ago I was cooking the girls breakfast, when suddenly Roxie danced in waving a wand. While continuing to dance, she chanted "abra-fadabra-Mabra-Deeabra! Schhhhhhh!!!" and then, quite pleased with herself, informed me "I turned you into a daddy with one more toe."

Pajamas of the Mist

After Will and Nancy's wedding, I came back and stayed with the kids while Amy went to the after-party at the Hampton. Phoebe and Roxie were amped from the excitement of the day and continued to play even after Jessica had fallen asleep.

Although awake, they were both quite delirious from exhaustion. Toward the end of the night, Phoebe began rambling semi-coherently about something called "the pajamas of the mist". Here are some of the bits and pieces I overheard:

"Roxie you've got to get the pajamas of the mist"

"They're pajamas, and they're in the mist"

After a while it came out that they were "in a crypt", and for a short time they became "the pajamas of the misty crypt". I tried to learn more about them, but was told very sternly that we couldn't get to them "because it's LOCKED."

I'll post again if more details on these fascinating pajamas become available.

Welcome to our blog!

Amy and I have decided to set up a blog to document stories about our kids that may otherwise be lost forever. More to come soon.