Monday, October 19, 2009

Gekko in the wash

I brought in some towels that had been left on the back porch before the big rain last week. They were sopping wet and I left them on the floor of the garage to allow any creepy crawlies to escape before I washed the towels.

I went in to switch the laundry and I felt something kind of gelatinous and then dropped the clean towel to the ground to find a LIVE gekko that had been washed. OMG! I cannot imagine what that animal was going through the entire time trapped in the washing machine. Luckily, I found him before the dryer load.

The gekko was alive and Jessica, Quinn and I released it into the back yard near the plants where we had seen other gekkos hanging out before. Quinn was especially interested in the gekko and the capture and release program.

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